Safety and Bathing Hours on Juist

Beach Days, Bathing Times and Safety on the Beach

Safety first: Even when bathing and splashing around on the Juist North Sea

Bathing hours on Juist

Because safety simply comes first!

©  Lars Wehrmann

The surf doesn't seem to be that bad and the wind isn't that bad either.

Nevertheless, swimming in the North Sea should always be done with caution. Under the water surface there are strong currents (especially when the water is running out), which can drive even experienced swimmers out into the open sea.

Therefore, the following always applies: Swim only during the official bathing hours at the official bathing beaches.

Something can always happen (of course, we hope that nothing happens, but still) and so up to 15 lifeguards at the main beach and at the Loogbad are available to help you quickly if there is an emergency.

Why is it not always bath time at the same time?

Juist in the rhythm of the tides

Why is bath time not every day in summer from ten to six?

Quite simply, everything on our beautiful island is tidal. Low tide and high tide occur at a different time every day. On Juist, it's only safe to swim when the water is rising, so that the current doesn't pull you into the open sea. Since the tides "lie" differently every day, the rising water occurs at a different time every day, so it can't be bathing time every day from ten to six. At this point we would like to urge you not to swim outside the bathing hours. This is really dangerous!

So please inform yourself before you start your beach day when the bathing times are. You can find them in our showcases, in the beach looper and on site at the beach on the boards at the rescue towers for the respective day.

The bathing rules on Juist beach

Safety and a good feeling for all

©  Lars Wehrmann

Please always observe the following rules so that we can all enjoy a nice and carefree time on the most beautiful sandbank in the world :

  • Never go swimming alone.
  • Never overestimate your own strength
  • Always follow the instructions of the lifeguards immediately.
  • Respect the bathing hours.
  • Never let your children play or swim unsupervised on the beach.
  • If you are in danger, call for help immediately and as clearly as possible.

If you have a question or are not quite sure how to handle a particular situation, feel free to talk to one of our lifeguards. They will be happy to help you.

The bathing zones on Juist beach

What do these poles and flags actually mean?

In the water, the bathing zones are marked with red-orange poles. So between the poles you can find the guarded bathing beach. You can see by the red-yellow signal flag when a lifeguard station is manned.

Other important signal flags are:

  • yellow warning flag: bathing and swimming dangerous - please swim only under extreme caution and with sufficient skill.
  • red warning flag: bathing and swimming prohibited.

Rescue towers, rescue stations and, and, and!

This also still exists

You're super safe on the beach - which doesn't mean you should be careless or not keep an eye on your offspring. We're just saying that we do everything we can to make sure you're as carefree as possible on the beach.

At Juist beach, all of these ensure your safety:

Beach safety

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Become a lifeguard on Juist?

It's that simple!

©  Lars Wehrmann

From mid-May to mid-October, lifeguards guard the Juist beach, ensuring that guests can plunge into the surf (almost) without hesitation. Without lifeguards, it would be a pretty sad summer season on the island.

Do you feel like experiencing Baywatch - North Sea Edition?

We are always looking for lifeguards who would like to spend a few weeks with us on the most beautiful sandbank. It is important that you are at least 18 years old and have a lifeguard badge silver (not older than two years). We offer you a furnished apartment incl. wifi, electricity and water not even 500 m from the beach. And of course with the wide sandy beach as the most beautiful workplace in the world.