Your Way to Reconvalescence on Juist

Recreation and Health on the North Sea Island of Juist

Recreation on the Töwerland

Cures on Juist

Do you feel like taking some time out in your everyday life? You know, that moment when you realize that you really need to get out. To the sea, to a foreign country. Be it after a physical or mental illness. A cure on Juist is good for your body, your soul and your spirit.

A cure on Juist is not much different than a reconvalescence anywhere else, but in our opinion it is something very special. Every insured German citizen is entitled to a cure if it is medically justified.

In five steps to Reconvalescence on Juist

Completely out of everyday life, completely away from everyday worries. On Juist, you can dedicate yourself completely to your healing, the path to knowing: "I'm better". For your application for a cure on Juist, there is a kind of process in five simple steps.


Medical report

You start your way to a cure on Juist with a consultation with your family doctor. Here you will be told that you need a cure. Together with you, your doctor will choose the focus of your spa treatment on Juist. The Juist sea climate is, for example, a super place for recovery and healing in case of respiratory diseases, aftercare after severe infections, skin diseases or chronic diseases.

Application for a cure on Juist

Together with your doctor, you will submit an application for a health cure to your health insurance company, pension insurance company, or the state aid office. Here you have to justify why you need this cure. Here you indicate Juist as your desired health resort.

Approval of a cure on Juist

Afterwards, your health insurance, pension insurance or subsidy office will decide whether your documents are complete and correct and whether your medical records are sufficient for a cure. You will also receive information about which neutral medical organization will examine you.

Costs of a cure on Juist

As soon as your cure has been approved, the costs are not a big problem, because your health insurance / pension insurance / subsidy office will cover the costs of the treatments within the scope of your cure. Attention: If your cure falls under social security law, you will have to pay 10% of all costs for the cure means yourself as well as 10 € per prescription or prescription. The treatment costs often have to be paid directly on the spot. You should clarify the questions about the assumption of costs before starting your cure!

Appointment with the spa doctor on Juist

Your first port of call on the island is the spa or bathing doctor if you are taking an outpatient cure on Juist. There you present the report of your family doctor, which the spa doctor takes as a basis to prescribe various spa treatments for you (e.g. treatments or therapies in the TöwerVital - LINK!). At the end of the cure, you will receive a final report from your spa doctor on Juist for your family doctor on the mainland with the results of the cure and recommended further medical treatments and care.