©  Lars Wehrmann

Vacation with dog at the North Sea

Dog vacation at the North Sea


Dogs are not only allowed on Juist: they feel right at home here. Walks on the beach, lots of space to run around, new smells to sniff out, fresh wind that brushes through the fur ... An absolute dog paradise!

How dog friendly is Juist?

Juist is a super dog-friendly island. No cars, many carriage horses as new friends, the one or other seagull to watch ... Juist is a real paradise for dogs. Together with your two-legged friend, you'll go for a walk around the island.

On Juist you will spend your dog vacation in a very relaxed way. The way leads you over the car-free island, through the national park, over varied walking routes, into dog-friendly restaurants and cafes. The dog vacation at the North Sea could hardly be better than on Juist.

©  Lars Wehrmann
©  Lars Wehrmann
©  Lars Wehrmann

Journey with your dog to Juist

Even the journey with your dog to Juist begins relaxed. By car or by train you travel to Norddeich. From there you can either take the ferry or the plane across the Wadden Sea to the North Sea island of Juist.


Arrival with the dog by ferry to Juist

The journey begins in the port of Norddeich-Mole. At the ferry bridge 1 the ferry to Juist is waiting for you. The trip to the island takes about 90 minutes. The journey with the island ferry has the advantage for you and your dog that you are relatively relaxed on the way. Often you have a lot of space on the upper or lower deck for you. The ferry rocks quite little (compared to the fast ships), which is especially advantageous for nervous dogs.

The one-way fare for your dog is 8,60€ (No guarantee, as of 06/22/2023).

Please make sure that your dog has been to the toilet beforehand, that you have enough water for your four-legged friend and, if possible, remember to bring a blanket.


Arrival with the dog with the fast ferries to Juist

The fast ferries from Norddeich to Juist take about 30 to 45 minutes. So you can imagine that these ships are not quite relaxed on the road, but already quite accelerate. Depending on the prevailing weather and wave conditions, the ride can be quite noisy and sometimes a bit bumpy. Please consider before booking if such a trip in a rather small boat will stress your dog too much. Small dogs can sit on your lap, but larger dogs may feel too cramped. If you are unsure whether your dog is suitable for a trip with the speedboats to Juist, it is better to take the island ferry.

In any case, please make sure that your dog is well exercised and that you go to the toilet with your four-legged friend before the journey. Please also make sure that your dog drinks enough water before the trip.



If you travel with the Inselexpress from Norddeich to Juist (or vice versa of course), the ticket for your dog costs 5€ for a single trip.



The trip with the Töwerland-Express from Norddeich to Juist or vice versa is free of charge for your dog.


Arrival with your dog by plane to Juist

The planes take off from the airfield in Norden and fly about 7 minutes to the east end of Juist. You can transport your dog with the plane. Small dogs up to 12 kg cost 11€, larger dogs 22€. Larger dogs must be transported on the seats, so you will need to bring a seat blanket. Please also note that muzzling is mandatory throughout the flight.

If your dog is experienced in traveling and you trust him to cope in the small plane, there is nothing to stop him from traveling to Juist by plane. But always keep in mind that you have to walk 4 km from the airport to the village (in most cases). For this you can reserve an e-bike, walk or take a carriage.

Dog beaches on Juist

On Juist your dog is allowed to go everywhere on the beach outside the bathing hours (i.e. from mid-October to mid-May) - on a leash! So you can experience together the most beautiful sandbank in the world in all its beauty.

In summer the main beach (the length of the promenade) and the Loogbad are reserved for humans. The background is the following: On these Juist beaches is always quite busy, numerous people running around and it is also sometimes quite loud. This could stress your dog. Also some people might feel disturbed by loud yapping or scuffling dogs.

But ... The dogs on Juist do have the dog beaches! In summer, basically everything is dog beach that is not Loogbad or main bathing beach. And that is quite a lot. At the dog beach on Juist there is a lot of space for your dog to romp, run, swim and play. However, the dog beach on Juist is also subject to the leash requirement. Please adhere to the leash requirement and take care of your dog. The dunes are off-limits for four-legged and two-legged friends: not only do the dunes protect Juist from storms and floods, they are also home to numerous animals. Your dog may want to hunt these animals and it is your job as a dog owner to make sure that your pelt-nose does no harm. But of course, we know that most dog moms and dads behave correctly, of course.

So, anyway, that's the information about the dog beaches on Juist that you should know for your dog vacation on the North Sea:

©  Inselgemeinde und Kurverwaltung Juist
©  Inselgemeinde und Kurverwaltung Juist
©  Inselgemeinde und Kurverwaltung Juist

Dogs in the Wadden Sea National Park on Juist

Juist is located in the middle of the Wadden Sea National Park. With this location come certain responsibilities and rules. Because: You don't become a national park just like that. Being a national park means taking responsibility for a unique habitat for animals and plants. For Juist this means, for example, that we can't just walk through the dunes whenever we want.

For dogs, the following rules must be observed:

  • Dogs must be leashed in the quiet zone and in the intermediate zone.
  • Please always pay attention to where you are allowed to take your dog: Appropriate signs can be found on site.

You can find more information and background of these rules in the flyer of the national park administration. Before your trip to the National Park, please read this information carefully:

©  Inselgemeinde und Kurverwaltung Juist
©  Inselgemeinde und Kurverwaltung Juist
©  Lars Wehrmann

Ways to walk on Juist

Quite a few great trails to discover, new acquaintances to make, wonderful views to experience: Juist is full of walking routes for your dog that are absolutely worth it! Whether it's a short round in the evening or a day-long adventure, on the Töwerland you will discover unknown paths with your four-legged companion!

Here you can find our walks on Juist:

Compulsory leash & free running areas / Agility on Juist

Also important for your dog vacation at the North Sea is of course to let your dog romp around freely and relaxed. No problem: In the Ostdorf you have exactly the possibility with the dog exercise area. On the course you will find various agility equipment for training with your dog. By the way, there is no leash obligation on the dog exercise area on Juist.

Of course, it is important to know if there is a leash requirement or not. One thing in advance: It is not about how good or bad your dog hears. When we say there is a leash requirement, we ask you to respect that. The leash requirement is an important tool to regulate the coexistence of humans and dogs.

In any case, here you will find all the information you need about leash requirements, free-walking areas and the like:

©  Lars Wehrmann
©  Lars Wehrmann
©  Lars Wehrmann

Dog toilets and dog waste bags on Juist

Who does not know it? You're out walking your dog and you've forgotten the bags. No problem: On Juist you will find dog toilets in numerous places. At these dispensers you take a bag for the leftovers of your dog. The dog toilets are located at strategic places along frequently used paths with your dog on Juist.

The last few years we have unfortunately had the unpleasant situation that some paths were contaminated with dog waste. Therefore we ask all dog mothers and fathers: Clean up after your dog! Most dog owners do this, of course, but for the good of the island we would like to make an explicit appeal. Use the dog toilets and dispose of the garbage accordingly in the next garbage can you encounter on your way! This way we all do our part to keep Juist as clean and beautiful as we all want it to be.

Here you can find the dog toilets on Juist:

Dog friendly restaurants on Juist

There are many dog-friendly restaurants on Juist. It would probably be easier to list those restaurants that do not allow dogs. Especially on the terraces and in the open-air areas of the restaurants on Juist dogs are welcome. Nevertheless, please ask if you want to eat indoors in a restaurant if you can bring your dog. Some of the restaurants on Juist have areas where dogs are allowed, so you will be placed there then.

On a side note, some of the cafes and restaurants on Juist can get crowded or noisy or cramped. So please make sure that your dog finds a protected, comfortable place. This way you can avoid that your pelt-nose is stressed or overlooked and thus injured. Also, please consider how well your dog gets along with strange people, environments, or other dogs. If your four-legged friend tends to be shy and timid, feel free to let the staff at that particular restaurant know so that you can be assigned an appropriate seat. Also times outside the usual meal times ensure that your dog can enjoy his time out on Juist more relaxed.

Dog food & dog stores on Juist

You can buy dog food in grocery stores and in the drugstore Rossmann. If your dog needs special food or is on a special diet, please bring this food from home or ask in advance if the stores on Juist carry it. Accessories for your four-legged friend or other small items can be found in some stores on Juist. By the way: You will find a water bowl for your dog in quite a few stores and at the drinking water column on the beach promenade / Karl-Wagner-Straße.

Veterinarians on Juist

On Juist there is no permanent veterinarian that you can always visit. The small animal practice from Esens is on the island at regular intervals and treats animals there. You will be informed about the appointments with the island mail or in the pharmacy.

The nearest vets are on Norderney or Norden. We hope it will not come to that, but if you need a vet, you will find all relevant data here:

Rules for dogs on Juist

In order for your dog to have a good time on Juist, too, it is absolutely essential that all dog owners and keepers adhere to basic rules of conduct. It's not just about protecting frightened children, for example, but also animals and plants on the island. So that everyone can experience Juist as beautiful as it is in the future.

Please keep to these rules of conduct:

  • If your dog cannot walk calmly past strangers, make sure you keep enough distance and that your dog is on a short leash.
  • Of course, you make sure that your dog does not frighten or harass anyone, especially people who are afraid of dogs.
  • Also the behavior of small dogs has to be good accordingly.
  • Of course, you dispose of your dog's waste everywhere and immediately. You will find excrement bags in numerous places on the island.
  • You show your dog in the new environment on the island, where he or she may relieve himself. You make sure that your dog does not mark the corners of houses or restaurants.
  • You protect your dog in dog encounters by keeping him or her close to you.
  • For you it is absolutely clear that you first ask the human if your dogs are allowed to have contact.
  • You help children and strangers understand that you must be asked first before your dog is petted.
  • You point out to other dog owners when they make a mistake - kindly, of course, but firmly. This includes, for example, dogs not being leashed on the beach or dog waste not being thrown away. In this way, you actively help us to be even happier to have all kinds of furry noses on the island, because everyone adheres to etiquette!
  • Deliberately stay longer in one place with your dog, so that your four-legged friend can look at everything and come to rest.
  • Only use flexi leashes if you can really handle them. Otherwise, we ask you to use drag leashes of three or five meters for the protection of other animals and people, which you can use in loops and adapt to the situation.

So you see: The same rules and etiquette apply here as everywhere else. But due to the island location and the national park, it is a bit more important that everyone adheres to these rules.

Everything at a glance / Tips for your dog vacation on Juist

So you see: The dog vacation on Juist is a really good idea. Not only you, but also your furry family member will enjoy a totally great time on Juist. However, in order for all guests on the island to be happy, we ask that you abide by the rules in place.

Not every dog is perfectly behaved and not every human is perfectly behaved. That's why it's so important that we show consideration for each other and stick to the applicable rules and basic etiquette when dealing with each other!

Even more tips for your vacation

Familienurlaub auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann


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