©  Jürgen Brunck

Find the Friendship for Life on Juist

Island Love

Longing for Töwerland

©  Lars Wehrmann

The island of Juist.

Vacation paradise in the Wadden Sea.

So many things to experience and to discover! A vacation on Juist is a very special experience that you don't want to miss. On the island, the clocks go a little differently, life is a little different. Juist is absolutely worth the experience!

©  Lars Wehrmann

Island of pleasure.

Experience Töwerland enjoyment.

Love goes through the stomach. Why should this be different for food and pleasure than for romantic love with your partner? Taste your way through the restaurants on Juist, enjoy the tranquility of the island's cafes and tea houses, go out and partake in the island's nightlife.

©  Lars Wehrmann

Shopping paradise.

Handmade and handpicked.

Let's not kid ourselves: We like to go shopping, we like to wander through the stores, we like to be inspired. Unlike on the mainland, Juist still offers unique products. Wonderful souvenirs and goods are waiting for you!

Event Island.

Juist and its many, many events.

The whole day to see, to experience, to do things. In the high season you could spend the whole day going from one event to the next, from one experience to the next, but you certainly won't be bored in the low season either!

©  Lars Wehrmann

Climate island.

Sustainability on Töwerland.

Sustainability is a significant part of vacationing on Juist. The thought of nature conservation is omnipresent when you enjoy your vacation on the island.

How to explore the island of Juist

Sonnenuntergang am Juister Strand ©  Lars Wehrmann

The Island

✓ History ✓ Culture ✓ Faces of the Island ✓ Location ✓ Name ✓ Fun Facts → Learn all there is to know about Juist!

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Eine Person richtet Essen in einer Küche auf Juist an ©  Lars Wehrmann

Food and Drinks

✓ Restaurants ✓ Fast food ✓ Ice cream parlors ✓ Cafés ✓ Tea house ✓ Pubs ✓ Bar → Enjoy these food and drink related offers during your stay on Juist!

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Vogelperspektive auf Wilhelmstraße auf Juist mit Geschäften ©  Lars Wehrmann

Shopping and Groceries

✓ Charming stores ✓ Boutiques with unique products ✓ Juist as the paradise for shoppers → Learn about the shops on Juist.

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Aufspritzende Gischt bei einer Welle auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Beach and Bathing

✓ Beach chairs ✓ Beaches ✓ Life guards ✓ 17 km long Juist beach → Spend your summer days at the most beautiful, natural beach!

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Dünenlandschaft auf Juist am Strand ©  Lars Wehrmann


✓ Sustainable ✓ Climate-friendly ✓ Conscious travelling → All the info about sustainable travelling, climate-friendly accommodation, events and restaurants on Juist

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