©  Inselgemeinde und Kurverwaltung Juist

Woche der Kinderrechte - "Mit Max die Kinderrechte kennenlernen"

02.07.2024 - 05.07.2024

In one hour, we want to experience short adventures about children's rights with Max and his friends. With music and stories by Florian Müller, the focus will always be on children's rights. We will start with a song together, listen to a story from the book "Max and Children's Rights" and create a picture together based on the article of children's rights. Every day there are two different articles of children's rights. We then want to present these pictures and stories together with the songs at a joint concert.
There are five different children's rights:
1. The best interests of the child
2. All children have the right to their own identity
3. The right to a life without violence
4. The right to privacy
5. The right to a clean environment
All children's rights are also set to music with songs, which we then want to sing and learn together.


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