©  Lars Wehrmann

Thalasso at the North Sea

Thalasso island Juist

Pure deceleration!

Thalasso and North Sea

The stimulating and healing climate of the North Sea

A walk on the beach has a calming and even meditative effect. Everyone who has ever undertaken a strol at the beach knows that. In fact, the aerosols that the salty seawater carries with it and releases when the waves hit the sand have a really healing effect. You probably know this in a similar way, for example when your skin feels really good after a swim in the North Sea. This is simply the sea climate as it lives and breathes!

The power of the sea or the healing power of the sea (because the word "Thalasso" means nothing else) has been used in Thalasso treatments for a long time. Since the beginning of German seaside bathing in the late 18th century, treatments related to the water have been offered. On Juist, thalassotherapy treatments and seawater therapies use ingredients such as heated seawater, seaweed and silt. Seawater inhalations are also absolute "Thalasso classics".

©  Lars Wehrmann
©  Lars Wehrmann

Thalasso Island Juist

Thalasso at the North Sea

Thalasso: This is the claim to develop healing treatments and therapies using the natural ingredients of the sea, air and algae. Precisely because Thalasso uses the power of the sea, such a "real" Thalasso spa must naturally be located by the sea. And what could be more seaside than an island in the middle of the sea?

Because the natural ingredients of thalassotherapy are rich in minerals, proteins, amino acids and trace elements, thalassotherapy treatments prevent inflammation, stimulate the metabolism and are purifying. Even walks on the water's edge have just those effects. No wonder that in the past we were told that a vacation at the North Sea should prevent a cold. The longer you stay with us on Juist, the more the elements affect you and the more influence you will notice.

The small aerosols in the splashing spray cleanse your respiratory tract and lungs, the fine film of salt on your skin has a calming effect and beautifies your pores. The sun on the coast is stronger than in other places, so you can also prevent vitamin D deficiency here (always well covered with sun screen, of course!). The strong wind improves your blood circulation, which makes your skin firmer. The island's stimulating climate may make you more tired, but it also makes you much more efficient afterwards. And the omnipresent vacation feeling relaxes you!

This is how you experience Thalasso on Juist:

Thalasso-Therapie auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Thalasso Therapy

✓ Thalasso's applications and healing power ✓ Aerosoles ✓ Stimulating climate ✓ Sea breeze ✓ Wind → Get informed about thalasso therapy and natural elements from the sea

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Thalasso Angebote auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Thalasso Offers

✓ Relaxing moments ✓ Thalasso ✓ Treatments ✓ Packagen ✓ Massages → Reserve your rlaxing thalasso holiday on Juist now.

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Thalassowege auf Juist - Blick auf den Strand und die Dünen auf Juist ©  Lars Wehrmann

Thalasso Walks

✓ Walks ✓ Stimulating climate ✓ Boosting your health ✓ Relaxing and recreational → Discover truly fresh air on Juist's Thalasso walks

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Things to know about Thalasso at the North Sea

Areas of application of Thalasso

And where does thalasso help? With a whole lot. Marine medicine supports and heals some medical conditions in a gentle, natural way. Thalasso treatments are recommended for these conditions, for example:

  • Respiratory diseases (e.g. bronchial asthma)
  • Allergies
  • Skin diseases, especially neurodermatitis and psoriasis
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • General states of weakness and exhaustion
  • Diabetes
  • Susceptibility to infections
  • Depressive moods
  • "Carried over" diseases from childhood

What is that anyway, "stimulating climate?"

Everything you need to know about the lovely climate at the North Sea

Health and the sea: that's a team that simply belongs together!

We'd best start with a somewhat dry definition: "Stimulating climate" is the term for certain meteorological or climatic conditions that can stimulate and strengthen the body's metabolism. Such climatic conditions can be found mainly on the coast, on islands and in high mountains.

Here on Juist, for example, wind speeds are on average much higher than on the mainland, which means that you have to exert yourself more to walk. Also, temperatures are usually lower than in other places, or at least perceived as lower (keyword: wind). In addition, since we are surrounded by water, the UV radiation levels on Juist are accelarated, which leads to more vitamin production for you.

The stimulating climate of Juist, for example, causes you to get tired faster and sleep more deeply. But the clean sea air also ensures that your respiratory tract recovers. Your organism is strengthened and your immune system is boosted. So: A vacation on Juist in the stimulating climate alone is good for your health.