©  (c) Julia Findeisen

Kabarett und Klimawandel: Nachhaltigkeitstag

11.07.2024 - 11.07.2024

Juist is a climate island. Juist wants to save the world. But it can't do it alone. Of course not. But no problem, because: Juist has many great guests who can help. Join us in spreading the word that it's not that difficult to act in a climate-friendly way. 
At this event, we want to take some of the seriousness out of the discussion about climate change - not because it's not a serious topic, but because you also need to be able to see the funny and fascinating side. 
On this evening, Nico Paech will appear and give a short version of his captivating lecture on "Excursion into the post-growth economy" (approx. one hour). This will be followed by cabaret artist Jürgen Becker with his programme "The cause lies in the future" (approx. one hour).


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